
Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
Grand Lyon Grand Lyon
La Métropole de Lyon www.grandlyon.com
Xplore Xplore
Xplore is the front runner in developing, producing and marketing micro compounding and shaping instruments. These instruments are utilized for formulation development and screening of polymer materials and blends, polymer compounds, biomedical applications, low bioavailable or slow release pharmaceuticals (HME), energetic materials and nutritional products. We can help you with small scale mixing instruments (extruders and compounders), injection moulding, fiber spinning and conditioning, and cast film lines. Our equipment excels in durability, reliability and ease of use. Our conical twin screw compounders can be equipped with proprietary rheological software that provides the screw torque in the melt, the melt viscosity, the shear rate and shear stress. In addition we developed a proprietary protocol to guide you with up scaling your recipe to larger scale, parallel twin screw extruders. We also develop custom designed solutions such as a lignin (pre-treatment) fiber line or a multi-filament fiber die.
Anton Paar Anton Paar
Anton Paar develops, produces and distributes highly accurate laboratory instruments and process measuring systems, and provides custom-tailored automation and robotic solutions. It is the world leader in the measurement of density, concentration and CO2 and in the field of rheometry. Anton Paar GmbH is owned by the charitable Santner Foundation.
Total group Total group
At Total, refining and petrochemical operations, grouped in the Refining & Chemicals business segment, make Total — Europe’s No. 1 refiner and No. 2 petrochemical producer — one of the world’s top ten companies in terms of end-to-end integration along the oil and gas value chain.Our strategy consists of addressing both mature and fast-growing markets. We are adjusting our production base to market trends in Europe and the United States, where we have a solidly established presence, focusing on the largest integrated refining and petrochemical complexes to position them among the best in the industry. And at the same time, we are stepping up our expansion in Asian and Middle Eastern markets, by developing world-class complexes aligned with the aspirations of our partners in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and China.
Solvay- Poster session Partner Solvay- Poster session Partner
Created in 1863, Solvay is a global company driven by proud and committed chemists. With our historical anchorage in Europe, our products serve diversified markets worldwide, from consumer goods to energy, with one main aim – to improve quality of life and customer performance. The drive to achieve our aim has resulted in 90 percent of our revenue being generated from businesses that are among the top three global leaders in their field.
Borealis group Borealis group
Borealis is a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers: With headquarters in Vienna, Austria, Borealis currently employs around 6,500 and operates in over 120 countries. It generated EUR 8.3 billion in sales revenue in 2014. The International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) of Abu Dhabi owns 64% of the company, with the remaining 36% owned by OMV, the leading energy group in the European growth belt. Borealis provides services and products to customers around the world in collaboration with Borouge, a joint venture with the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). Borealis and Borouge aim to proactively benefit society by taking on real societal challenges and offering real solutions. Both companies are committed to the principles of Responsible Care®, an initiative to improve safety performance within the chemical industry, and contribute to solve the world's water and sanitation challenges through product innovation and their Water for the World™ programme.
Nexans Nexans
Nexans brings energy to life through an extensive range of cables and cabling solutions that deliver increased performance for our customers worldwide. Nexans’ teams are committed to a partnership approach that supports customers in four main business areas: Power transmission and distribution (submarine and land), Energy resources (Oil & Gas, Mining and Renewables), Transportation (Road, Rail, Air, Sea) and Building (Commercial, Residential and Data Centers). Nexans’ strategy is founded on continuous innovation in products, solutions and services, employee development, customer training and the introduction of safe, low-environmental-impact industrial processes. In 2013, Nexans became the first cable player to create a Foundation to introduce sustained initiatives for access to energy for disadvantaged communities worldwide. Nexans is an active member of Europacable, the European Association of Wire & Cable Manufacturers, and a signatory of the Europacable Industry Charter. The Charter expresses its members' commitment to the principles and objectives of developing ethical, sustainable and high-quality cables. We have an industrial presence in 40 countries and commercial activities worldwide, employing close to 26,000 people and generating sales in 2014 of 6.4 billion euros. Nexans is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris, compartment A. For more information, please consult: www.nexans.com
Since 1937 development, production and worldwide distribution of extrusion lines have been the main objectives of Leistritz Extrusion Technology. Today, Leistritz is one of the leading companies in the field of compounding technology, lab-extrusion as well as pharmaceutical extrusion. Leistritz Extrusion Technology has sales and service branch offices in the main markets of Europe (France and Italy), the USA and Asia (China and Singapore), while all machinery is exclusively manufactured in Germany. The headquarters of Leistritz in Nuremberg, Germany, accommodate administration, development and production facilities as well as a completely equipped laboratory for process technology. Another laboratory for the development of formulations and products is at hand in Somerville, NJ/US.
Transvalor Transvalor
Transvalor has developed an extensive suite of high performance simulation software that addresses a wide range and variety of forming processes, for metallic solid and liquid materials as well as for polymers : FORGE® for extensive hot, warm and cold metal forming COLDFORM® for cold metal forming THERCAST® for ingot casting and continuous casting Rem3D® for plastic injection molding Transvalor products provide the manufacturing and engineering intelligence to a wide range of industries: Automotive, Aerospace, Energy, Medical, Oil and Gas and many others.
Hutchinson Hutchinson
For 160 years, Hutchinson has been designing and manufacturing high-performance products, essential to the comfort and safety of everyone on the ground, in the air and at sea. When it comes to airtightness, vibration, heat and acoustic isolation, fluid transfer and transmission, the Group’s vocation is highly technological. At the same time, Hutchinson improves the quality of everyday life for consumers. Hutchinson bénéficie d’une implantation mondiale. Ses centres de Recherche & Développement ainsi que de production couvrent l’Europe, l’Amérique du Nord et du Sud ainsi que l’Asie.
Euromed-University of Fes Euromed-University of Fes
L’Université Euro-Méditerranéenne de Fès (UEMF) est placée sous la Présidence d’Honneur de Sa Majesté Le Roi Mohammed VI. Créée en novembre 2012 et labélisée par l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM), l’UEMF est une Université à caractère régional dont la mission est la promotion d’échanges, de dialogue interculturel et de partenariats académiques et culturels dans la région Euro-Méditerranéenne ainsi que la formation et la recherche de haut niveau. Située dans la ville iconique de Fès, l’UEMF s’imprègne de l’histoire et s’inspire des valeurs cardinales de Fès et du Maroc en termes d’ouverture, de tolérance, et de diversité pour construire une plateforme régionale de coopération basée sur l’excellence en enseignement et en recherche sur des thématiques d’intérêt pour le Maroc et pour la région Euro-Méditerranéenne. Elle ambitionne d’être un pôle d’excellence et de rayonnement préparant l’élite capable de relever les défis actuels et futurs et développe à cet effet des programmes de formation et de recherche innovants obéissant aux meilleurs standards internationaux. L’UEMF se compose de deux pôles : le pôle Ingénierie et Architecture et le pôle Sciences Humaines et Sociales (SHS). Le Pôle SHS est constitué de : 1. Faculté Euro-Méditerranéenne des Sciences Humaines et Sociales 2. Institut Euromed de Science Politique 3. Institut Euro-Méditerranéen des Études Avancées en Sciences Économiques et Management Le Pôle Ingénierie et Architecture comprend : 1. INSA Euro-Méditerranée 2. École Euromed d’Architecture de Design et d’Urbanisme. 3. Faculté Euromed de Génie. Word of President ( Prof. Mosto Bousmina) http://www.ueuromed.org/pro/fr/mot_president.php#cont
Ingénierie@Lyon-Institut Carnot Ingénierie@Lyon-Institut Carnot
Ingénierie@Lyon groups 1,800 actors in research experienced in contributing efficiently to ensuring the compe titiveness of companies and one of the major in the development and transfer of general tools required to provide technology and competitive performance for entreprises in the sectors of TRANSPORT, ENERGY AND HEALTH AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES. It has been created by the main institutions of higher education and research in Lyon: Ecole Centrale, Institut des Sciences Appliquées, Université Claude Bernard and CNRS to structure academic engineering. MULTIPLE COMPETENCES Ingénierie@Lyon organises reactive and efficient expert multidisciplinary research teams, providing you with easy access to scientific and technological platforms: fluid, solid and structural mechanics; tribology, acoustics and vibro-acoustics, advanced design, energetics, electronics, aerothermodynamics, thermal analysis; health technologies, structural and functional materials, nanostructures, behaviour and characterisation, microsystems, MEMS and MOEMs sensors, chemistry.
INSA de Lyon INSA de Lyon
INSA Lyon is the leading engineering school in France. It annually welcomes a diversity of profiles among the best Baccalauréat graduates throughout France. Each academic year, we receive applications from more than 14,000 high-school students, nearly a thousand of whom are admitted. In all, 37% of new students are female, 33% grant holders, and 33% foreign students. More than 100 nationalities are represented among our students, who spend five years on our campus studying various engineering courses. This is a major advantage of our school where recruiters are concerned.
The Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering (IMP : Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères) is a joint research unit (UMR5223) belonging from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, St Etienne University Jean Monnet and the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Lyon. The IMP Laboratory has a singular position at the national and international levels. By integrating various scientific skills related to polymer science (macromolecular chemistry, rheology, processing and reactive processing, physics ...) but also by all the research abilities required to address interfaces with other fields (catalysis, chemical engineering or biology). The IMP develops activities from basic research to applicative goals, from synthesis of new macromolecular architectures and formulation of polymers to the establishment of structure-properties relationships. To meet these scientific goals and societal-industrial achievements and with the specificity of the three sites of high education, the Laboratory is organized into four scientific areas of excellence: 1-Chemistry of Polymers, 2-Polymer Structure: Rheology & Processing, 3-Physcics and functional properties of polymer-based materials, 4-Polymer materials at the interface with life sciences.
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